Anyone who is new to wearing glasses experiences a lot of changes in their lives. Many rediscover the world in HD clarity, others are happy because their eye strain is gone. But there are many who feel awkward wearing glasses for the very first time. Everyone experiences glasses differently and have their own story to tell. So, let’s dwell into what you can expect after being introduced to glasses for the first time.
What to Expect After Wearing Glasses for the First Time?
Glasses can change your looks subtly. Glasses come in different frames and should be bought according to the face type. If you can find the most suitable glasses for your face, you will definitely give a new dimension to your looks.
The good news is that you can always change the frames to alter your look depending on your needs. However, apart from the looks, there are many aspects of wearing glasses that can make you feel different from the way you used to feel before. So, let’s explore:
Feeling of nausea or developing eye strain
Although glasses improve vision, they can initially lead to eye strain. Also, some people might feel nauseous as their brain adjusts to the new vision provided by glasses. However, your brain adjusts to glasses in just a few days and the feeling of nausea disappears. Similarly, the eye strain also goes away at some point. However, if the eye strain persists for a long time, you should consult an eye specialist and check whether the prescribed eyeglasses are the right fit for you. Sometimes, you might need minor tweaks to ensure that eyeglasses work perfectly.
Frequently wiping glasses to remove dust
The dust and smoke in the air can inhibit the viewing experience. Whether it’s airborne particles, stray eyebrows or eyelash hairs, or the inevitable fingerprints from misplaced adjustments, your glasses will absorb everything. This will compromise the vision clarity and you would have to wipe the glasses before you can see clearly again. For those who have started wearing glasses recently, this can seem like a challenge. But after some time has passed, people become accustomed to wiping glasses by using cleaning cloth.
Struggle with fog
Fog and steam can become a nuance when you wear glasses. If you are wearing a mask below the glasses, the air exhaled can make the glasses foggy. So, it interrupts your viewing experience. You have to constantly wipe the glasses to ensure that everything is visible clearly. Similarly, when it is foggy outside or you are hit by the steam from a boiling pot, the glasses can become cloudy, and you need to wipe them with a cloth to see clearly.
Blurry eyesight
In some cases, people may experience blurry vision after wearing new glasses. But this is a symptom of your brain acclimatizing to the new vision. It is important to avoid driving and doing other vision-intensive tasks when you are experiencing blurry vision. Eventually, the symptoms will subside, and you will be able to see clearly. However, it the blurry eyesight does not go away in a few days, you should consult your eye specialist.
Dizziness for people who are correcting conditions like astigmatism
People with conditions like astigmatism can feel dizzy after wearing glasses for the first time. It is because you are moving your eyes a lot more than you used as they have become stronger, but you are not compensating that movement with your head. But over a period of time, your body and brain will adjust to the glasses and this problem will disappear on its own.
Things to Consider if Your Glasses Do Not Work as Intended
Glasses are meant to improve your vision and reduce the problems associated with blurry vision. However, in some cases, people might experience more problems than benefits. It could be because:
- The eye specialist has made some miscalculations while prescribing you glasses
- The manufacturer may have made some errors while making the glasses
- Frames are not aligned correctly with the centre of your pupils
There could be many scenarios where glasses might be giving you a headache or causing several issues. So, it is advised that you consult a top eye specialist who has good credentials like A/Prof Chameen Samarawickrama.
Final Thoughts
Eyeglasses change the way you look, the way you see the world and how others look at you. In most cases, eyeglasses provide better vision and improve life quality. Although there are some issues for beginners like wiping their glasses to prevent cloudy vision, most people become accustomed to the changes and start enjoying the world in HD clarity. However, sometimes your eyeglasses may not work as intended and cause more harm than good.
In such cases, it is important to get help from top eye specialists who have a consistent track record of correcting vision for a large clientele. For instance, A/Prof Chameen Samarawickrama in Australia is one of the best eye specialists in the country and can help you find the right glasses for your eyes.