How Will I Know I Have Cataracts?

Old age not only comes with wrinkles and grey hair but also with poor immunity, health issues, and blurred vision. And as you get older, this gets even worse. While aging is the prime cause of multiple visual problems, factors like diabetes, prolonged UV exposure, and eye injuries contribute to eye disease formation. The most […]
Understanding and Managing Blocked Tear Ducts

Blocked tear ducts can be a common and frustrating issue affecting individuals of all ages. This condition occurs when the normal drainage system for tears is obstructed, leading to symptoms such as excessive tearing, eye irritation and potential infection. Normal Tear Production and Drainage Mechanism Tears are essential for eye health, providing lubrication, nutrients, and […]
Understanding and Preventing Sports-Related Eye Injuries

Sports are a fantastic way to stay active and healthy, but they also come with potential risks, including eye injuries. Whether on the field or court, in the ring or swimming pool, understanding and preventing sports-related eye injuries is important for athletes of all ages and disciplines. Common Types of Sports-Related Eye Injuries These are scratches on […]
Age-Related Eye Diseases: What Seniors Should Watch For

With time, our body undergoes several changes. The same applies to our eyes as well. Aging brings noticeable changes to overall eye health and vision. Furthermore, keeping our eyes healthy has become of utmost importance for elderly individuals. In this blog, we will focus on age-related eye diseases and a few facts that come along […]
Protect Your Eyes: Everyday Eye Injury Prevention Tips

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of eye safety. October is Eye Injury Prevention Month and serves as an important reminder to prioritize your eye safety and protect your vision. Eye injuries are unfortunately common but largely preventable with the right precautions. Whether at work, home, or play, taking steps to prevent eye injuries can significantly reduce […]
Are You Fit to Drive? Visual Requirements for Drivers in Australia

Visual requirements for fitness to drive and maintaining a driver’s license in Australia. Driving is a privilege that comes with a set of responsibilities. To ensure the safety of everyone on the road, legal driving requirements are in place, including both the possession of a valid license and the fitness to drive safely. Assessing Fitness […]
Laser Eye Surgery: Common Things to Expect Post-Op

Vision problems can create major obstacles in people’s lives. Not only do they stop one from achieving excellence in their field, but they also make daily chores difficult. Nowadays, vision problems like myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism are on the rise. Thankfully, there is a solution to this problem in the form of laser […]
New to Glasses? Here’s What to Expect

Anyone who is new to wearing glasses experiences a lot of changes in their lives. Many rediscover the world in HD clarity, others are happy because their eye strain is gone. But there are many who feel awkward wearing glasses for the very first time. Everyone experiences glasses differently and have their own story to […]
The Connection Between Heart Health And Your Eyes

Heart health isn’t just about cardiovascular fitness; it plays a significant role in your overall wellbeing, including your eye health. While we often focus on the heart’s impact on major organs, its influence on the eyes is equally important. Poor heart health can lead to various health conditions including hypertension, stroke and diabetes. These can impact the eyes in several ways. High Blood […]
What Should You Know About ICL Eye Surgery?

ICL (Interocular Contact Lens) surgery also popularly known as EVO Implantable Collamer is a good substitute for LASIK surgery. This surgery is ideal for nearsighted people, i.e., those people who cannot see things that are far away. Generally, nearsighted people see objects that are further away as blurry. So, for these people, a great way […]