Dr. Chameen Sams

Cornea Transplant Surgery: Your Guide to an Optimal Recovery

Cornea Transplant Surgery

Did you know that the cornea contributes almost 75 percent to the eye’s total focusing power? Without a fully functioning cornea, we cannot expect to see clearly. By projecting the light precisely (with minimal scatter), our cornea helps us enjoy the view of the world in HD clarity. But that’s not all. It also contributes […]

5 Signs of a Cornea Problem – Dr Chameen Sams

Signs of a Cornea Problem

Our eyes are a natural miracle. Various intricate processes take place within our eyes, which enable us to see the world outside. There are various parts of our eyes like the cornea and retina that work in unison and perform various vital functions. For instance, the cornea performs refractional tasks and focuses the light on […]

Dry Eyes: Why Watery Eyes Need More Moisture

Dry Eye Syndrome

Have you been told that your constant watery eyes are actually Dry Eye Syndrome? Although it seems counterintuitive, watery eyes can be a symptom of dry eyes. This phenomenon occurs due to your body’s attempt to compensate for a lack of sufficient tear film. Dry eye is a common condition that affects millions of people […]

Eye Symptoms of Rosacea: Causes and Treatments

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that primarily affects the face, causing redness, visible blood vessels, and sometimes small red bumps. The exact cause is unknown, but genetics, immune system dysregulation, abnormal blood vessel development, protein malfunction, and skin or gut microbiome dysbiosis have all been identified as possibly playing a role. Certain environmental or […]